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Step 1

Take The Phishing Test

In order to create an account, it's essential that you first understand the guidelines we've set forth and complete the test we've prepared for you. This step is crucial for your own security, ensuring that your funds and personal information remain protected.

We’ll bypass the lengthy reading of the guidelines as it may seem unimportant; instead, let’s dive right into the questions that you will need to answer:

Q: Where is the first place you should check for mirrors when facing a downtime situation?
A: On ... ..
Q: What will be the initial characters of your Monero deposit address on the Archetyp platform?
A: 4Hx3 ... ..
Q: What does the 'onion' symbol refer to in your browser's address bar, which is illustrated in the image above?
A: Your Archetyp URL . onion

Once you've answered all the test questions, make sure to complete the captcha challenge before moving on to the following step.

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Step 2

Filling Out The Registration Form

Each entry field is accompanied by a short description; it's important to read these as they clarify the intended use of each field and inform you about what type of information should or should not be provided.

To initiate the process of registration, you will need to choose a Display Name, a Login Name, Password, and a PIN. Don’t forget to securely store all the information you've entered.

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Step 3

Complete Account Registration

To finalize the registration, simply complete one last task by solving the captcha. After doing so, you will be automatically directed to the main page of Archetyp Market, and you will already be logged into your new account. Congratulations on this achievement!