Frequently Asked Questions
Our platform operates freely within the darknet realm. We're equipped with distinctive features, built-in security measures, and advanced technologies along with stylish design, all with the goal of becoming your go-to space.
That's fantastic! We encourage you to submit a ticket so we can have a conversation about your ideas and see how we might incorporate them to enhance your experience even more.
There are numerous actions and activities deemed illegal. But does that imply such actions are right? Or that they don't occur? Consider whether those in power, like local authorities or politicians, follow all the laws in place.
Absolutely, we are here to help. Please get in touch for more details.
While the timing can vary due to different factors, generally, payments are completed within thirty minutes. In some rare situations, it might take up to one or two hours.
Regrettably, there's little we can do in such situations. We provide ample warnings in relevant areas of our interface to alert users about these potential mistakes.
Double-check that you sent XMR to the correct address. If you’re confident everything was done accurately, please submit a ticket for assistance.
While we can't dive into every detail regarding the processes, we focus on our fundamental principles. For instance, we exclusively support the privacy coin XMR. Additionally, we have implemented two-factor authentication, alongside different usernames for both logging in and being visible publicly.
We take several factors into account. It's important for us to understand their motivations, future plans, and intended listings. For vendors we are already familiar with, we validate their credibility using established platforms.
To help us take prompt action, please report the vendor with supporting evidence for your accusations.
For a comprehensive overview of our guidelines, please check the Rules tab.
Although we aspire to maintain an open marketplace—often associated with illegal activities—we adhere to specific rules, ethical standards, and fundamental values. Activities like child exploitation, harm to individuals, and terrorism are unequivocally prohibited. There's simply no room for excuses.